Part-Time Job Survey Analysis
Part-Time Job Survey Analysis My research topic : Part-time job Target : Japanese University Students Number of respondents : (16) ( Summary ) Students answered 8 questions about part-time job ( Results ) Graph#1 shows thaat experiences of part-time job. In fact, 100% responsed "yes", and there were no "no" responses. These results are not suprising considering. Many university students do a part-time job. #1 Graph#2 shows that family restaurant is the most popular places to do part-time job. There are many family restaurants in the town. Therefore, many students worked there. However, there are no people who worked at convenience store. This is suprising! #2 Graph#3 shows places and income are the main reasons for choosing part-time job. This is not suprising result because many university students do a part-time job due to make money. Finally, job description is the least common reason. #3 Graph#4 shows half of the res...